How To Develop Powerful Confidence
This week I decided to read “The Power of Self Confidence” by Brian Tracy, this book is the key to helping you level up your confidence.
I will be discussing:
1. Benefits Of Confidence In Yourself
2. Reduce Your Mistakes
3. Choose Persistence Over Perfection
And be sure to read my last blog on “Book Review: How To Speak To Yourself” & “FREE Download: October Desktop Wallpapers”.
If I could some up this book into one word it would have to be the word Courage: mental or moral strength to venture, persevere and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty.
1. Benefits Of Confidence In Yourself
Confidence comes with a number of benefits and is a tool that allows people to silence their fears, knockout life’s challenges and have a better mental attitude. Built on our past experiences, and grows as we collect success from our everyday life.
Allowing you to overcome obstacles and improve your performance when speaking to others or in public. Reduces anxiety when you're in social settings and allows you to feel more relaxed when you believe in yourself.
2. Reduce Your Mistakes
Minimize your weaknesses and maximize your strengths to achieve things that may seem hard to reach by asking yourself the tough questions. Instead of dwelling on what went badly answering these questions will allow you to create a plan to reduce potential errors in your life.
• What went wrong?
• What could I do better next time?
• What did I learn from this?
Take responsibility for what you did wrong, don’t blame others it isn’t helpful to remove further mistakes. So that way you can ensure that your next outcome will be better since you have more at stake considering all the results of what happens is on you.
3. Choose Persistence Over Perfection
Developing high levels of courage and getting closer to perfection becomes easier when you become determined to persist. Especially when you are getting things wrong, but by persisting as we continue to move forward we are slowly building our confidence, by each thing we do right.
As you continue to move forward you learn new skills and become well-prepared for whatever new obstacles that may pop up. This will allow you to also see that sometimes no matter how much we have prepared that sometimes, there isn’t any way we could have predicted what happened. But since you been persisting for so long you have a file of successes and thinking back to your past can help you craft a plan.
Would I Buy Or Read Again?
Can I see myself re-reading Brian Tracy's book “The Power of Self Confidence” again? YES! Can I see myself even purchasing “The Power of Self Confidence”? Yes, I’ve read Goals by Brian Tracy and I enjoy how the author is able to breakdown his reason for his advice. By doing this it's easier to listen to the advice and makes it seem like a no brainer.
The Question of the Week is inspired by Brian Tracy's book “The Power of Self Confidence”. What makes you feel powerful and confident?
Answer: By surrounding myself around people I can trust and who support me.
Catch up on my last blogs on “Book Review: How To Speak To Yourself” & “FREE Download: October Desktop Wallpapers”.
If you have any book suggestions add them below in the comments, and look out for new book reviews every Sunday. And remember “As we ‘Rise to Be’, we are becoming who we want to be” I am Christina B. Rising and I will always be rising. 🤗