7 Tips To Become More Effective
This week I decided to read “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen R. Covey, this book is bursting with tips to help you be more assertive and productive in your everyday life.
I will be discussing:
1. Work Hard, Rest Hard
2. Skip The Blame Game
3. Negotiate To Win
4. Prioritize Your Day
5. Listen For Understanding
6. Work With Others
7. See Your Finish Line
And be sure to read my last blog on “Book Review: 3 Tips to Jumpstart Your Entire Life Now” & "FREE Download: July 2019 Motivational Quote Desktop Wallpapers".
If I could some up this book into one word it would have to be the word Effective: successful in producing a desired or intended result.
1. Work Hard, Rest Hard
I know the narrative of today is to go the extra mile and never sleep to get things done but when it becomes frequent it can really affect you.
Balance and stability is highly important, its okay to pull an all nighter every now which is why you should create a schedule for yourself.
To separate your priorities like rest and eating so that you can move forward with your next groundbreaking idea. It's important to remember the 3 R’s which is recuperate, recharge and refresh.
Self-care is key when your working non-stop and you can no longer recognize yourself through the dark circles you won’t be able to find the inspiration for your next big idea.
2. Skip The Blame Game
Take control of your life and your future, stop replaying your past and start working on the future life you want.
Stop reacting to others influence and circumstances, instead focus all of that energy into changing your future.
3.Negotiate To Win
When you are negotiating don’t try to get the biggest piece of the pie, instead try to seek division that is fair for both parties.
Often times when we try to negotiate we want to leave the other person with nothing and only thinking of it from a win-lose when it should be win-win.
By doing this you will be able to create and keep positive relationships, so that way your next negotiation with them will go smoothly.
4. Prioritize Your Day
Do what’s most important for the day and whatever has a deadline first, when completed you can knock other things off your to-do list stress free. I recommend even using time blocking to increase your productivity so you can get more things done in your day.
Often times we think that multitasking will help get things done but when we really just take the time to focus on one thing were able to accomplish more. And once you have accomplished your mandatory responsibilities you’ll be able to use the extra free time to get a side hustle or your next big project.
5. Listen For Understanding
Whenever a problem or situation pops up in your life instead of trying to immediately solve it, you should hear out the details.
Listen for understanding so you are sure that you have gotten all the information and knowledge for the best solution possible.
Be open to others recommendations, hearing each point of view, and even allows you to prevent looking like your picking favorites.
6. Work With Others
When you synergize your able to accomplish more, whether you have an accountability partner or even completing the goal before its deadline.
You can even ask for advice on a goal that someone else may have mastered already and they could help to mentor you around.
When we work as a team we can accomplish so much, which is why it's worth giving a try.
7. See Your Finish Line
Don’t begin something until you know what the end goal is and what you consider accomplishing your goal. And once that goal has been achieved, you should move forward to the next goal, visualization is highly powerful.
That is why so many people often create their own vision boards but what if we took the time to make a vision board for each of the goals. So that way we could clearly see it written out or represented and only do things that will bring us one step closer to our end goal.
Align your actions to put you in the position of becoming who you want to be, this will allow you to make your dream a reality.
Would I Buy Or Read Again?
Can I see myself re-reading Stephen R. Covey book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” again? Yes! Can I see myself even purchasing “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” ? Yes, because this book can help me get back on track with my productivity.
The Question of the Week is inspired by Stephen R. Covey’s book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”. Will you use ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’ in your life?
Answer: I do think I can use these ‘7 Habits” to become more effective and productive in my life.
Catch up on my last blogs on “Book Review: 3 Tips to Jumpstart Your Entire Life Now” & “FREE Download: July 2019 Motivational Quote Desktop Wallpapers”.
If you have any book suggestions add them below in the comments, and look out for new book reviews every Sunday. And remember “As we ‘Rise to Be’, we are becoming who we want to be” I am Christina B. Rising and I will always be rising. 🤗