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Book Review: 5 Ways You Can 10X Your Life Like Grant Cardone

This week I decided to read "The 10X Rule" by Grant Cardone in honor of the 10X Growth Conference this weekend I decided to re-read this book that inspired it all. Although I am unable to go to the conference this year see amazing speakers like Steve Harvey, Daymond John, Sara Blakely, and Ryan Deiss, this book is still impacting my everyday life today. I know for a fact that I will go to this conference in the future, and not during my last semester of college. I believe tickets are still on sale for this amazing event happening on February 1st-3rd, 2019. I will be discussing Don't Let Drugs Drag You Down, Never Let Your Motivation Fade During Adversity, Throw Away The Excuses, Never Let Someone Out Work You, Stop Spending & Start Investing. And be sure to read my last blog on Book Review: 6 Reasons Why You Should Stop Worrying & Start Living by Dale Carnegie & FREE Download: January Desktop Wallpapers.

Don't Let Drugs Drag You Down

I was incredibly surprised to discover that Grant Cardone suffered from drug abuse or that he had a twin and was considered the bad twin in his family.

I resonated so much with his story although I haven't done drugs I can relate to the way his family treated him. Grant often says that when he quit doing drugs he was able to go all in on his business, career, and dreams. Basically admitting that drugs can deter you from getting to where you want to be in life and how a temporary high isn't going to improve your life for the better.

He grew up in the South where people often have a stubborn mentality and not thinking that they will be able to improve their lives. A lot of the things that I dream about for my life I often get told by family that I won't be able to do that because I'm black and not rich.

Grant Cardone's family fell into poverty when his father died and his mother was forced to sell their large home and provide for her family the best way she could. His mother's work ethic scared him and also motivated him into never wanting to work day after day and still having bills disconnected. It made him never want to live scarcely but instead live abundantly, and to have a job that he actually enjoys.

Never Let Your Motivation Fade During Adversity

A great way to keep up your motivation is by reminding yourself of why you started like Simon Sinek and by doing that it's like your giving yourself a burst of energy to keep going. Of course when we face issues and struggles and were trying to hold on it can be hard, during times like this is when a vision board can definitely come in handy.

Because it makes me feel like all these struggles will be worth it in the end because I won't be suffering forever soon my vision board dreams will be my reality. I can't just rely on wishful thinking I have to put forth some sort of effort to get to where I want to be.

Throw Away The Excuses

My favorite part of the book the 10X Rule was the secret chapter on the audiobook "Don't Be A Little Bitch". It was just a very honest reality check for me to stop procrastinating & making excuses.

Never Let Someone Out Work You

Kind of like a competition and I still get my work done or even get ahead of schedule. This can even work when I go to the gym and I see someone sweating like crazy it just makes me feel like I'm not working hard enough. So I increase my effort, by doing these things your work ethic grows immensely.

Stop Spending & Start Investing

One amazing way to grow wealth is by simply using it to invest that can allow you to multiply and become more. Which in return will give you a higher return on investment than instead of spending it on pizza or a night out with friends clubbing, and often results in an empty wallet.

I like to think of investing as planting a money seed that I don't have to water or pull out the weeds from, and just enjoy the bountiful fruit from taking the time to invest some of my money. Change your focus to searching for new investment opportunities instead of searching for the next big sale at your favorite store.

Whatever money you get from your very first investment I recommend that you just divide the profits in half. Use one half on purchasing more of that investment and the other half for your leisure.

Would I Buy Or Read Again?

I can absolutely see myself reading and listening to this book again and again. From reading this book you don't feel like kind of have to tell everyone you know about the 10X Gospel and how we can all improve our lives. I love how in this book Grant Cardone is incredibly real with what he faced in life and how he got passed it. And how he wants to help others live the life they deserve, for me this is more than a book it was a mind shift for me. Which is why I feel like I have to keep reading this book so whenever I feel down I can get back on track.

If you have any book suggestions add them below in the comments, and look out for new book reviews every Sunday. And remember “As we ‘Rise to Be’, we are becoming who we want to be” -Christina B. Rising🤗

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