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Book Review: 9 Ways To 'Crush It' In 2019 Like Gary Vee

This week I decided to read "Crush It" by Gary Vaynerchuk as the year is coming to a close I felt like this perfect to read. I will be discussing Always Do The Right Thing, Know Yourself, Know Your Worth & Add Tax, Be Careful With Vanity Metrics, Take Advantage Of Your 24 Hours, Don't Let Money Guide You,

Getting Rest Is Important, Everyone Won't Care Like You Do, Never Let Your Problems Follow You, Don't Complain About What Others Would Dream About. And be sure to read my last blog on "9 Planners To Improve Your Productivity & Organization In 2019", "Getting Things Done" by David Allen & FREE Download: January Desktop Wallpapers.

1. Always Do What Is Right

Gary Vee often stresses that being authentic will allow you to get rewarded the most in life. Whether it be honest on social media, your business or just life in general. Authenticity will always pay off in the long run, and your fakeness will always catch up to you. So if you ever feel like you don't know what to do in a situation just remember what the decision would mean for others and also how you will be viewed for that decision.

2. Know Yourself, Know Your Worth & Add Tax

Stop underestimating your value like Drake says you need to “Know Yourself, Know Your Worth” is my favorite line in Drake’s “0 to 100” song. When I saw a study saying how women often water down their achievements when working around men. Instead of taking credit recognition and even not feeling deserving of a raise at work. Or even for entrepreneurs instead of worrying about making a living and money to bring into their business, they sell their product for less than its worth.

3. Be Careful With Vanity Metrics

Stop focusing on what others focus on like how many followers they have or how many likes they got an overly photoshopped picture. When you provide value for your small amount of follower or subscribers you're building a tribe of wholesome goodness online which is very hard to come by in 2019.

Instead of focusing on numbers you should focus on making quality content that your followers will enjoy and also use and to expand on your purpose for creating that social media account.

4. Take Advantage Of Your 24 Hours

Most people think that they don't have time to pursue their passions or create that business they've been discussing for years but never put forth the effort and just start it. Sometimes we just have to take out a notebook and create a plan or schedule on how we can turn our dreams into reality instead of saying I don't have time, one great way to find time is with time blocking. By assigning our tasks to specific hours in the day we can easily see our free time we use to watch hours of Netflix year after year.

This year I challenge you to not let the year watch you but to instead watch yourself grow during this year. Put in those extra hours you reach your goals that much faster than those that only work on their goals part-time.

It’s not about having enough time, it’s about making enough time.” & "If you do not make time for something you'll never have time for it."

5. Don't Let Money Guide You

If you allow money to guide you like with partnerships & sponsorships then you will start to be seen as a sell-out. By doing this it will be hard to change it once you're labeled as a liar and a cheater people won't believe you've changed or even see the new you. But when you do what is right you will always be rewarded in the end, but not just rewarded but loved and trusted because you did. Don't chase the dollars, let the dollars chase you!

6. Getting Rest Is Important

I get it hard work takes up a lot of time but it also takes a lot of our energy, that's why it is important to recharge. Now I'm going to lie to you and say that I get more than 8 hours of sleep each night, but I will say when I do I feel so refreshed. Since I do put a lot of time into my blog, job, and school work; I feel like sleeping is just a break for your body and brain. Plus it's also like you get to stop stressing while your sleeping, I'm always stressed or just running late for something. And by simply taking a nap I get to just breathe instead of worrying about all of my problems or what went wrong that day.

7. Everyone Won't Care Like You Do

One thing that surprised me the most was honestly the lack of support for my blog Rising to Be from friends and family in my life. I mean my mom supports me and my blog but she also doesn't really know what a blog is, but I do appreciate the blind support. But when I started to see quotes like "Friends won't start support you until strangers start celebrating you." And when I saw this one I felt like I truly wasn't alone "You know why strangers support you more than people you know? Because people you know have a tough time accepting you come from the same place but they are still in the same place." And from this, I know that no one will care as much as I do why because they aren't doing what I'm doing, they are not putting for the effort I am. The Rising to Be Blog is my baby and only I know how to nurture it and watch it grow into what it can be.

8. Never Let Your Problems Follow You

Everyone has a story whether it be good or bad we shouldn't assume that everyone has gone through what we have. With that being said if you have gone through something traumatic in life you try your best to not let that dark cloud follow you. But if you can't shake the dark cloud off of your life then I suggest you try out Daily Affirmations, Meditating or Therapy. Because it is your life and you deserve to be happy at the end of the day so enjoy it. And as you grow you will feel lighter because you were able to release that bad energy and you're now focusing on positive things.

9. Don't Complain About What Others Would Dream About

As crappy as America is I feel blessed to live here, but I do notice that the typical American thing is to complain. And not just to complain but about things that are considered first world problems. Basically finding excuses or issues with things that people in other countries or even neighborhoods would only dream of having in their life. Whenever I catch myself complaining about pointless problems I try to remind myself that is probably just a first world problem and that it's probably not that serious.

If you have any book suggestions add them below in the comments, and look out for new book reviews every Sunday. And remember “As we ‘Rise to Be’, we are becoming who we want to be” -Christina B. Rising🤗

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