Book Review: The Life-Changing Magic Of Not Giving A F*ck by Sarah Knight
This week I decided to read the book "The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving A Fuck" by Sarah Knight. I stumbled upon this amazing author while watching Ted Talks on Youtube and her speech stopped me in my tracks because I felt like I apply what she was saying to my life at that moment. Every word she said truly resonated with me, by giving your energy and focus away to things or people in your life that won’t propel you towards your dreams. And be sure to read last week's blog on Start With Why by Simon Sinek and all of last month's blog posts.
Philosophy Of Not Giving A Fuck
It’s an amazing concept, Sarah Knight explaining that a fuck is essentially caring or giving attention to something you don't care about. When she took it a step further by considering a fuck as our time, energy & money. Meaning that if you truly don’t care about something, you should stop giving your fucks towards it and move on.
Fuck Budget
We only have a limited amount of fucks to give, so it is important to create a Fuck Budget for your life. So that you can spend your fucks on the things that truly matter to you. I decided to read this book when I was feeling really overwhelmed by things and people in my life. It just felt like they were in a sense holding me back from where I wanted to be. So when I came to this realization I immediately made a list like Sarah Knight advised in her book and it just brought me immediate peace from the situation.
The Not Sorry Method
Making your mind up on what and who is most important in your life and having an arsenal of responses to keep your prepared like “no, thank you”, “I don’t have time”, “I can’t afford it”, “I don’t want to”. These are amazing lifesavers for tricky situations I will admit you may have to say these more than once with difficult people. From experience, I do know that they will eventually get tired of you repeating yourself in the conversation.
I recommend this book to anyone who is on the rise to their full potential to read this book. Because it reminds us all to keep focused on what really matters when we face hard situations in our lives. This book was so beneficial to me when I actually took the time to apply these techniques in my life. At first, it did seem like the tips wouldn't work but when I kept trying it worked like magic. That is why I will definitely be purchasing this book for whenever I need a refresher on this amazing philosophy I learned.
Catch up on last week's blog on the book Start With Why by Simon Sinek and all of last month's blog posts.
If you have any book suggestions add them below in the comments, and look out for new book reviews every Sunday. And remember “As we ‘Rise to Be’, we are becoming who we want to be” -Christina B. Rising🤗