Book Review: Start With Why by Simon Sinek
As I approach my 1st month of having the ‘Rising to Be’ Blog I decided to read this incredibly impactful book by Simon Sinek called Start With Why. Although Simon Sinek’s Ted Talk is nearly 10 years old it still holds the same impact, on how leaders inspire action in others. In his book & Ted Talk, he uses famous examples of the Wright Brothers, Martin Luther King Jr., and Apple Inc.
And be sure to read last weeks blog on Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes.
Why You Need To Read This Now!
The way this book is written makes you come face forward with the fact that if you don't have a purpose for doing something it is doomed to fail. Which is why Sinek’s powerful yet easy to understand diagram of what how and why is so important and truly worth implementing. That is why I recommend that anyone who is anyone read this book or at least to watch the Ted Talk.
Losing The Will To Continue The Blog
The real reason I thought that it was important for me to read this book this week is that having a blog is honestly a bigger project than I thought. And I often find myself wanting to throw in the towel instead of writing about the book that I read for the week. But I have also found that when I remind myself of the real reason I started this blog I immediately get new ideas for what to post.
The Purpose of 'Rising to Be'
My true purpose for creating this blog was to share my experience of deciding to dedicate this year to 52 Weeks of Books. My purpose came from when I found a startling statistic online that the average person often reads 4 books within a year, but a CEO often reads around 60 books in a year. This motivated me because I may not want to be a CEO but I don’t want to an average person in life. And though this year of reading has been a journey, this blog will also grow to become a journey as well.
Catch up on last weeks blog on the book Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes.
If you have any book suggestions let me know in the comments, and look out for new book reviews every Sunday. And remember “As we ‘Rise to Be’, we are becoming who we want to be” -Christina B. Rising🤗
Comment below any books you think I should review next.